Sunday, September 7, 2008

Playing a little Catch up!

Sweet Baby Sophie has blessed our family for 8 weeks now. Life has been a little busy with three little ones, but we wouldn't have in any other way. She is as sweet as can be, and so far she has been a great sport about being dragged around to keep up with her big brother and sister.

Sweet and snuggly, even her preemie clothes were too big for the first few weeks.

Smiling for the camara already at only 2 weeks!

Dressed in her Sunday best, Sophie is ready for her church debute.

As the summer was comming to a close, Sophie spent lots of time pool side. The sun was hot, but she was cool in the shade.

Sophie's 1st bath...she had her dukes up the whole time!

Baby Sophie at 5 weeks. I think the shirt says it all!

Sassy meets Soph for the first time at 7 weeks

Sophie was blessed in Provo, Utah over Labor Day weekend by her Daddy. We had a wonderful weekend, and we are so grateful to have Sophie in our family.


Philip and Melissa said...

Yeah! cute pics you guys!!! what a sweet fam ya'll are! lets get together soon :-)