Saturday, September 20, 2008

Jake starts Kindergarten!

Jake was so excited to start Kindergarten! After all the registrations, orientations, and back to school nights...the first day of school has finally arrived. "Look at me, Mom...I'm starting school today!" I was doing everything I could to hold back the tears.

Jake wore this perma-grin all the way to school. All the kids were lined up ready to go in and all the parents were giving last-minute advice and taking pictures.

"Last picture, Mom...I'm really going in now"

After we pulled away, Brinley kept asking "where did Jakey go?" I think that was a long three hours for her. She was very happy to see Jakey when we went to pick him up.


Jessica said...

I can't believe it! Way to go Jakers!

Paula said...

Fun blogs, Mon! You got that picture and text thing down -- what are you talking about!? Always fun to catch up. And super-fun to see you last night at the "indoor" bbq!

Emily said...

Moni! I love the new photo at the top of your blog. What a great family photo. I remember when baby Jake would sit in a laundry basket at your place in Provo. It makes me tear just thinking about sending James off.

Kerrie said...

Cute family picture. Your hair has gotten long. Isn't it crazy thinking how fast they grow? I don't want them to grow up too fast, but it is nice when they are in school. (=

Philip and Melissa said...

what a little stud!!!

jenae waters said...

Monica, I am so glad I found your blog through the vine. We are back in Meridian and now you have moved. I have been wanting to run but I am so not motivated you. I am missing my old running pal. Congrats on your baby, she is a doll.

brody and kenzie said...

I think I cried most of the day when Roper went to kindergarten. At least Jake looks like he really was enjoying his kindergarten experience. It is such an emotional roller coaster being a mom huh?! It is fun to catch up with you guys. That's fun that you know my big sis. She's awesome, and she thinks the world of you and Ben. I love your blog and if you don't mind I'll add it to my faves.

Brian and Shara's beautiful family said...

I know I'm gonna cry when I send my daughter off next year. I can't even think about it.
By the way, sorry but you've been tagged. Read my blog.